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Twitter: Making Headlines

There has been a great deal of question lately about if Twitter will ever become mainstream. Younger social media outlets such as Vine and Instagram have shot up in popularity and recognition in much less time than Twitter has been relevant on the social media circuit. Businesses and individuals greatly prefer social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Vine, and Linkedin.

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While pondering this and continuing to scroll through tech headlines, I noticed another headline about Twitter.  Specifically in this case, their lack of females in high ranking positions.  While I’m sure this isn’t the surge in popularity the character-capping, the stream of consciousness media outlet had in mind, it is definitely gaining notice.

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It is no secret that it always has been, and still is, much harder for women to gain the same workplace recognition as men.  One could also easily argue that there are multitudes of tech companies who also lack women on executive boards.  The biggest and most well known example would be Apple, whose entire company is represented by a select few of aging white males.  Facebook only added a female to partnership a month after launch, presumably to save face.

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The female  brain is wired much differently than a male’s brain.  Keeping this in mind, does the difference in thought have a direct correlation  to the success of a technology based company?

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